FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
Linguistically Isolated Population (Percent) |
12.3 |
 | 6.5 |
 | 4.5 |
Children Below 200% FPL (Percent) |
49.2 |
 | 48.8 |
 | 43.3 |
% Speak English at Home |
76.8 |
 | 77.7 |
% Lived in Area for 20+ Years |
30.5 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% [Age 0-17] Child's Overall Health Is "Fair/Poor" |
9.3 |
 | 4.2 |
 | 3.8 |
% [Age 0-17] Child's Activities/Abilities Limited Due to Health Condition |
25.4 |
 | 11.5 |
 | 14.1 |
% [Age 5-17] Missed 10+ School Days Last Yr Due to Illness/Injury |
10.5 |
 | 5.3 |
 | 4.7 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Special Health Needs |
75.9 |
 | 62.8 |
 | 66.2 |
% [Age 0-17] Chronic Condition Requiring Meds |
45.8 |
 | 23.7 |
 | 31.7 |
% [Age 0-17] Chronic Condition Requiring Special Therapy |
28.5 |
 | 9.3 |
 | 14.7 |
% [Age 0-17] Chronic Condition Requiring Meds or Special Therapy |
43.3 |
 | 27.3 |
 | 25.2 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% [Age 0-17] Child Is Uninsured |
4.7 |
 | 5.9 |
 | 0.0 |
 | 4.3 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Been Without Insurance At Some Point |
24.1 |
 | 13.0 |
 | 14.1 |
% [Age 0-17] Difficulties Accessing Child’s Healthcare (Composite) |
51.2 |
 | 28.4 |
 | 38.2 |
% [Age 0-17] Difficulty Finding Physician for Child in Past Year |
23.2 |
 | 9.8 |
 | 13.3 |
% [Age 0-17] Difficulty Getting Appointment for Child in Past Year |
24.8 |
 | 16.4 |
 | 19.6 |
% [Age 0-17] Cost Prevented Child's Dr Visit in Past Year |
18.7 |
 | 8.6 |
 | 13.6 |
% [Age 0-17] Transportation Hindered Child's Dr Visit in Past Year |
11.1 |
 | 5.6 |
 | 10.3 |
% [Age 0-17] Inconvenient Hrs Prevented Child's Dr Visit in Past Year |
25.1 |
 | 13.1 |
 | 18.9 |
% [Age 0-17] Cost Prevented Getting Child's Prescription in Past Year |
17.3 |
 | 7.2 |
 | 11.0 |
% [Age 0-17] Language Prevented Child's Dr Visit in Past Year |
10.8 |
% Parent Could Not Miss Work for Child's Health Care/Past Yr |
22.6 |
% Child Needed to See a Specialist in the Past Year |
55.2 |
 | 34.4 |
 | 44.8 |
% Child Needed to See 3+ Specialists in the Past Year |
36.8 |
 | 20.8 |
% [Child Needing Care] "Major/Moderate" Problem Getting Specialty Care |
46.7 |
 | 43.0 |
 | 41.4 |
% [Parents] Feel Need to Leave the Area for Children’s Health Svcs |
40.8 |
 | 30.4 |
 | 27.7 |
Total Licensed Pediatricians per 100,000 Population* |
20.0 |
 | 22.3 |
 | 26.0 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has a Specific Source of Ongoing Care |
80.1 |
 | 87.1 |
 | 100.0 |
 | 81.9 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Had Routine Checkup in Past Year |
91.5 |
 | 85.7 |
 | 92.3 |
Total Licensed Dentists per 100,000 Population* |
68.6 |
 | 55.8 |
 | 71.3 |
% [Age 2-17] Child Has Had a Dental Visit in Past Year |
83.6 |
 | 84.6 |
 | 49.0 |
 | 78.0 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Had 2+ ER Visits in Past Year |
28.8 |
 | 9.8 |
 | 15.8 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Used Some Type of UCC in the Past Year |
48.5 |
 | 37.6 |
 | 36.0 |
% Not Able to Understand Health Info From Past Dr Visit |
7.2 |
% "Not Very/Not At All Comfortable" Asking Qs of Dr in Past Visit |
4.0 |
% Dr Did Not Involve Parent in Child Care Decisions in Past Visit |
7.7 |
% "Not Very/Not At All Easy" to Ask Qs Following Past Appt |
7.0 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Respiratory Allergies |
25.7 |
 | 21.7 |
 | 19.5 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Eczema/Skin Allergies |
25.3 |
 | 22.5 |
 | 25.6 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Food/Digestive Allergies |
20.8 |
 | 11.8 |
 | 13.0 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% [Age 0-17] Child Currently Has Asthma |
21.0 |
 | 12.8 |
 | 13.2 |
% [Age 0-17 With Asthma] ER/Urgent Care for Child's Asthma in Past Year |
71.0 |
 | 39.1 |
 | 51.9 |
% [Age 0-17 With Asthma] Child Hospitalized for Asthma in Past Year |
52.5 |
 | 21.9 |
 | 27.1 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Bone/Joint/Muscle Problems |
13.3 |
 | 6.3 |
 | 8.3 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
[Age 1-5] Cancer Incidence per 100,000* |
24.6 |
 | 22.7 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has ADD/ADHD |
18.8 |
 | 12.7 |
 | 11.6 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Learning Disability/Developmental Delays |
18.4 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Has Behavioral/Conduct Problems |
11.9 |
 | 5.3 |
 | 5.2 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Has Autism/Spectrum Disorder |
11.9 |
 | 5.2 |
 | 4.7 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Diabetes/High Blood Sugar |
10.7 |
 | 3.6 |
 | 3.7 |
[Age <1] Diabetes Hospitalizations per 100,000* |
0.0 |
 | 5.8 |
[Age 1-5] Diabetes Hospitalizations per 100,000* |
14.6 |
 | 18.1 |
[Age 5-11] Diabetes Hospitalizations per 100,000* |
47.0 |
 | 43.5 |
[Age 12-18] Diabetes Hospitalizations per 100,000* |
122.7 |
 | 136.7 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% Rely on the Internet for Healthcare Information |
15.6 |
 | 10.6 |
 | 15.1 |
% Parent Not at All Likely to Allow Child into a Clinical Research Trial |
40.6 |
 | 53.0 |
% Parent Would Seek Genetic Testing to Learn About Current Conds |
72.5 |
% Parent Would Seek Genetic Testing to Learn About At-Risk Conds |
65.7 |
% Parent Would Seek Genetic Testing to Avoid Negative Side Effects |
67.5 |
% Parent Would Seek Genetic Testing to Find a Better Trmt |
68.7 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Sustained Injury Requiring Treatment in Past Year |
18.6 |
 | 12.7 |
 | 12.8 |
% [Child in School] Parent Missed 2+ Work Days Due to Child Illness/Injury in Past Yr |
18.4 |
[Age <1] Injured/Killed in MV Crashes per 100,000* |
320.0 |
 | 442.6 |
[Age 1-5] Injured/Killed in MV Crashes per 100,000* |
279.4 |
 | 358.1 |
[Age 5-11] Injured/Killed in MV Crashes per 100,000* |
416.4 |
 | 460.5 |
 | 13.2 |
[Age 12-18 Passengers] Injured/Killed in MV Crashes per 100,000* |
546.7 |
 | 614.7 |
% [Age 0-17] Child "Always" Uses Seat Belt/Car Seat |
85.6 |
 | 91.5 |
 | 89.5 |
[Age 1-5] Traumatic Brain Injury Deaths per 100,000* |
1.5 |
 | 2.8 |
[Age 5-11] Traumatic Brain Injury Deaths per 100,000* |
0.8 |
 | 1.4 |
[Age 12-18] Traumatic Brain Injury Deaths per 100,000* |
6.3 |
 | 7.7 |
% [Age 5-17] Child "Always" Wear a Bike Helmet |
53.5 |
 | 45.9 |
 | 43.5 |
% [Age 5-17] Child "Always" Wear a Skateboard/Scooter/Rollerblade Helmet |
45.0 |
 | 41.5 |
 | 34.2 |
[Age 5-11] Child Abuse Offenses per 100,000 Children* |
782.1 |
 | 932.8 |
% [Age 0-17] Neighborhood Is "Slightly" or "Not At All" Safe |
16.0 |
 | 15.3 |
 | 18.9 |
[Grades K-12] Violent Acts in School Activities per 1,000 Students* |
20.5 |
 | 24.8 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Missed School in Past Year Because Felt Unsafe |
23.9 |
 | 7.8 |
 | 11.2 |
% [Age 5-17] Bullied on School Property in the Past Year |
26.4 |
 | 16.9 |
 | 17.2 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Electronically Bullied in Past Year |
12.7 |
 | 4.4 |
 | 7.0 |
% Would Want Teenager Vaccinated Against HPV |
78.8 |
 | 74.8 |
 | 79.5 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% [Age 5-17] Child's Mental Health Is "Fair/Poor" |
10.1 |
 | 10.3 |
 | 7.7 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Has Depression |
12.7 |
 | 7.2 |
 | 6.2 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Had Symptoms of Depression in Past Year |
14.9 |
 | 5.7 |
 | 5.6 |
% [High Schoolers] Attempted Suicide in Past Year* |
8.5 |
 | 7.6 |
 | 7.4 |
 | 8.3 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Has Anxiety |
18.0 |
 | 13.4 |
 | 8.7 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Worries A Lot |
32.3 |
 | 27.1 |
 | 27.1 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Has Difficulty Sleeping |
22.1 |
 | 18.7 |
 | 16.9 |
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Beds per 100,000* |
0.0 |
 | 2.6 |
 | 2.0 |
% [Age 5-17] Parent Aware of Community Mental Health Resources |
53.4 |
 | 60.5 |
 | 50.4 |
% [Age 5-17] Needed Mental Health Svcs in the Past Yr |
19.9 |
 | 13.6 |
 | 20.4 |
% [Age 5-17] Difficulties Accessing Mental Health Svcs/Past Yr |
14.4 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Rec'd Professional Treatment/Counseling in Past Yr |
16.5 |
 | 10.8 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Has Ever Taken Rx for Mental Health |
15.7 |
 | 10.0 |
 | 8.3 |
% [Age 5-17] Ever Hospitalized for Mental Health Issue |
8.4 |
 | 2.7 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
[Age 1-4] Mortality Rate per 100,000 |
24.2 |
 | 29.0 |
 | 24.8 |
 | 25.7 |
 | 23.3 |
[Age 5-9] Mortality Rate per 100,000 |
14.3 |
 | 13.1 |
 | 11.8 |
 | 12.3 |
 | 10.0 |
[Age 10-14] Mortality Rate per 100,000 |
12.3 |
 | 13.5 |
 | 14.4 |
 | 15.2 |
 | 14.3 |
[Age 15-19] Mortality Rate per 100,000 |
51.7 |
 | 52.3 |
 | 48.3 |
 | 55.7 |
 | 44.9 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Migraines/Severe Headaches |
13.3 |
 | 8.6 |
 | 7.8 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Brain Injury/Concussion |
7.0 |
 | 3.6 |
 | 2.9 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder |
10.1 |
 | 3.1 |
 | 3.7 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% [Age 2-17] Child Has 5+ Servings of Fruits/Vegetables per Day |
41.0 |
 | 41.1 |
 | 33.8 |
% "Very/Somewhat" Difficult to Buy Fresh Produce |
37.4 |
 | 32.6 |
 | 34.4 |
% [Age 2-17] Child Ate 3+ Fast Food Meals in Past Week |
30.6 |
 | 27.6 |
 | 20.7 |
% [Age 2-17] Ate 7+ Meals Together as a Family in Past Week |
42.7 |
 | 46.2 |
% [Age 2-17] Child Was Physically Active One Hour/Day in Past Week |
33.0 |
 | 45.3 |
 | 37.2 |
% [Age 2-17] Participates in 3+ Days Vigorous Physical Activity |
67.3 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Watches 3+ Hours of TV per Day |
41.7 |
 | 34.1 |
 | 39.4 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Has 3+ Hours of Electronic Use per Day |
43.0 |
 | 32.9 |
 | 41.8 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Has 3+ Hours of Total Screen Time per Day |
68.5 |
 | 64.8 |
 | 70.4 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Has a TV in Bedroom |
53.4 |
 | 39.4 |
 | 54.5 |
% [Age 5-17] Has Computer/Device in the Bedroom |
58.6 |
 | 46.8 |
 | 56.3 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Is Overweight or Obese |
36.1 |
 | 32.6 |
 | 38.1 |
% [Age 5-17] Child Is Obese |
24.6 |
 | 18.2 |
 | 14.5 |
 | 22.5 |
% [Overweight Kids 5-17] Perceive Child "About the Right Weight" |
42.2 |
 | 54.5 |
% [Parents] Have Been Told That Overwt Child [5-17] Is Overweight |
37.1 |
 | 8.9 |
 | 19.9 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
No Prenatal Care in First Trimester (Percent)* |
25.0 |
 | 21.7 |
 | 22.1 |
 | 23.8 |
% Mother Had Problems Getting Prenatal Care |
13.7 |
 | 7.7 |
% Parent Selected Pediatrician Before Child's Birth |
71.0 |
 | 70.1 |
Low Birthweight Births (Percent)* |
8.3 |
 | 8.7 |
 | 8.2 |
 | 7.8 |
 | 8.9 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Was Ever Breastfed |
73.5 |
 | 72.6 |
 | 81.9 |
 | 73.5 |
% Exclusively Breastfed Until 6 Months |
25.4 |
 | 29.1 |
 | 25.5 |
 | 26.5 |
Infant Death Rate per 1,000 Live Births |
6.2 |
 | 6.2 |
 | 5.9 |
 | 6.0 |
 | 6.0 |
Children Fully Immunized at Age 2 (Percent)* |
88.9 |
 | 86.1 |
% Would Not Want New Baby to Have All Recommended Vaccines |
14.5 |
 | 12.5 |
 | 11.2 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% Births to Teenagers (Under Age 20)* |
4.1 |
 | 5.1 |
 | 5.6 |
[All Ages] Gonorrhea Incidence per 100,000 |
95.6 |
 | 107.1 |
 | 110.7 |
[All Ages] Chlamydia Incidence per 100,000 |
405.3 |
 | 429.8 |
 | 456.1 |
% [High Schoolers] Currently Sexually Active* |
25.3 |
 | 26.3 |
 | 28.7 |
 | 31.8 |
% [Sexually Active High Schoolers] Did Not Use Condom* |
37.3 |
 | 42.6 |
 | 46.2 |
 | 33.6 |
% [Sexually Active High Schoolers] Did Not Use Any Birth Control* |
15.6 |
 | 13.3 |
 | 13.8 |
 | 12.0 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% Child Prescribed Stimulants in Past 3 Years |
19.1 |
% Child Prescribed Anxiety Medications in Past 3 Years |
10.3 |
% Child Prescribed Pain Medications in Past 3 Years |
15.5 |
% [Child w/Rx] Dr "Always" Clearly Discussed Side Effects/Risks |
54.6 |
% Parent Aware of Community Substance Abuse Resources for Children |
50.5 |
 | 45.4 |
% Substance Abuse Resources in Community for Children are "Fair/Poor" |
20.5 |
 | 22.4 |
% [High Schoolers] Drank Alcohol in Past Month* |
31.7 |
 | 27.0 |
 | 29.8 |
 | 38.5 |
% [High Schoolers] Drove When Drinking in Past Month* |
6.2 |
 | 5.8 |
 | 5.5 |
 | 10.9 |
% [High Schoolers] Ever Used Marijuana* |
35.9 |
 | 34.5 |
 | 35.6 |
 | 38.0 |
% [High Schoolers] Ever Used Prescription Drugs (Not Rx)* |
11.8 |
 | 11.2 |
 | 14.0 |
 | 12.2 |
% [High Schoolers] Ever Used Inhalants* |
6.5 |
 | 6.2 |
 | 6.5 |
% [High Schoolers] Ever Used Ecstasy* |
5.2 |
 | 4.0 |
 | 10.3 |
% [High Schoolers] Ever Used Cocaine (Any Form)* |
6.1 |
 | 4.7 |
 | 4.8 |
 | 5.3 |
% [High Schoolers] Ever Used Steroids (Not Rx)* |
4.5 |
 | 3.7 |
 | 2.9 |
 | 2.6 |
% [High Schoolers] Ever Used Methamphetamines* |
4.2 |
 | 2.5 |
 | 3.0 |
% [High Schoolers] Ever Used Heroin* |
4.3 |
 | 1.7 |
 | 2.3 |
% [High Schoolers] Ever Used Injection Drugs* |
3.9 |
 | 1.5 |
 | 2.2 |
% [High Schoolers] Used Marijuana in Past Month* |
20.1 |
 | 20.2 |
 | 19.8 |
 | 22.9 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% [Age 5-17] Child Has Own Smart Phone |
59.0 |
 | 41.6 |
 | 51.2 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% [Age 0-17] Household Member Smokes Inside the Home |
11.5 |
 | 8.0 |
 | 6.8 |
% [High Schoolers] Smoked Cigarettes in Past Month* |
4.5 |
 | 5.7 |
 | 8.8 |
 | 7.5 |
% [High Schoolers] Used Electronic Vapor Product in Past Month |
8.1 |
 | 13.2 |
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FL |
US |
HP2020 |
Miami Metro TREND |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Had 3+ Ear Infections (Ever) |
21.3 |
 | 17.9 |
 | 17.0 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Speech/Language Problems |
26.3 |
 | 14.7 |
 | 14.3 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Hearing Problems |
15.1 |
 | 6.8 |
 | 8.3 |
% Child Wears Hearing Device |
9.7 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Vision Problems |
17.1 |
 | 8.0 |
 | 10.0 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Had an Eye Exam in the Past 3 Years |
87.7 |
 | 82.3 |
 | 81.3 |
% [Age 0-17] Child Has Had Hearing Tested in the Past 5 Years |
86.3 |
 | 85.2 |
 | 86.7 |
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